GOAL, where dreams of success are made real, was created in 1997. It is not just an institution but plays a leading role in manpower and confidence building, with coordinative systems and structural programs of a unique type in the nation. GOAL is backed and supported by a dedicated group of Medicos and IITians GOAL is amply supported by a group of Medicos and IITians.
GOAL Institute designs specific tests to recognize the temperament and potential of students for Medical/Engineering. The aspirant’s performance in these tests gives a clear cut graph, which helps to create an appropriate environmental condition as well as the level of input required to make sure students taste success in every stream of Medical/Engineering Entrance Tests.

We technically mold each & every student with the latest trends, and a creative approach, to make one complete, up-to-date aspirant, for any Medical/Engineering entrance exams. An extensive infrastructure exists to imbibe and cultivate these attributes among the students. In a short period, GOAL Students have shown achievements, which are unparallel in the history of any educational institution. The expert methodology of GOAL has generated a confidence among the students, parents and general public due to which today it made real the dream of GOAL. The Word GOAL is abbreviated form of